Title: Starring Me
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Pub Date: 1/10/2012
Author: Krista McGee
Received From : NetGalley

Kara McKormick is told she’s auditioning to star in a new teen variety show. But it’s what she isn’t told that could change her life.
The feisty New Yorker moves to sunny Orlando to participate in a month-long audition, where she’ll live with nine other contestants and an eccentric housemother. Kara knows that the show already has a big-time celebrity lined up for the co-host, but she doesn’t know who it is.
Chad Beacon quickly rose to fame after winning America’s Next Star, but he doesn’t want his entire career to be about singing. There is so much more he wants to do—like act. The new variety show sounds like the perfect next step for him, but his parents want him to have a co-star who shares his faith since they’ll be spending so much time together.
Acting is high on Kara’s priority list. But a relationship with God? Not so much. In fact, she’s tried to stay away from anything religious. But God is after Kara’s heart and He’s put people in her life who are showing her there’s far more to Christianity than rules and judgment.
And just when it seems that Kara’s going to have to give up her acting dream, God reveals that she may have a starring role after all—in a story so big only He could write itDo any of you recall my very first book review? I had no idea when I cracked open Starring Me that it was a sequel to First Date, I was shocked and excited. I remember thinking First Date was a very cute and fun book with great characters. My excitement grew as more characters from the first book came to play in the second! Kara while not the leading character before really steps well into the role as the past leads fade back a bit.
I have to admit I am a bit surprised by the story line of the parents choosing the co-star for their son Chad.. I just can't see the show business allowing this. But I do love the outcome of it. After all the character of Flora add so much to the book. Flora works for Chad's family and moves into the house of potential co-stars to find the right girl behind the scenes. The transformation of Kara from a somewhat selfish girl to a Christian is another thing that really makes this book. I didn't feel like I was being bible thumped so to speak. I felt like I was watching a girl really learn and determine what in life is best for her! I can't wait now to see if there is another book coming. It's take a lot of work on Krista McGee's part to make me fall in love with Anna Grace, but I'd love to see it unfold!

I really liked First Date! I'm part of Thomas Nelson's Booksneeze program though, so they won't let me get books via NetGalley. :( Also, I still have a book from them that I need to finish. Maybe they'll make this one available so I can read it soon!