Title: Twas the Night Before Christmas- Edited by Santa Claus for the Benefit of Children of the 21st Century
Publisher: Grafton and Scratch Publishers
Pub Date: September 4th, 2012
Author: Clement C. Moore
Received From: Net Galley
A letter from Santa Claus: In this special twenty-first-century edition, select lines have quietly slipped from the pages. Here at the North Pole, we decided to leave all of that tired old business of smoking well behind us a long time ago. The reindeer also asked that I confirm that I have only ever worn faux fur out of respect for the endangered species that are in need of our protection. This includes my dear friends the arctic polar bears. Publishers note: It was our sincere pleasure to act on Santa’s express wishes. As the direct link between the exposure to the depiction of characters smoking and youth initiation to nicotine has been well established, we were compelled to make these recommended changes. This influential poem has been at the very center of holiday reading for close to two hundred years, and our wish is that it will remain vivid and treasured for many generations to come.
Clement C. Moore (1779–1863) is widely regarded as the very poet of Christmas Eve. Much of the way we have come to celebrate December 24th is based on his portrayal of a jolly Santa, who along with his team of reindeer brings happiness to children and joy to the world. Twas the Night Before Christmas was originally published in the New York Troy Sentinel newspaper in 1823. It has become the most famous poem in the English language. In 2011, various editions of this enchanting poem spent thirty-six weeks on the New York Times best-seller’s list in the children’s category.
C's Review- I love this book because it ls when Santa comes. The pictures are very pretty and how a lot of colors. Santa looks kind of thin though. We can get this copy of the book right mom? (mom's note, OF COURSE) It's really fun at Christmas time to unwrap a new book each day, we did that last year*. You should all get this book and wrap it up for your kids.
Mom's Review- A new version of one of my favorite books ever! Can I tell a fun story? The first year my husband and I were engaged we were in a long distance relationship. I emailed this to him on Christmas Eve and when he called me that night he read it to me on the phone right before I drifted off to sleep! Our household currently owns 5 versions of this book and we will for sure be getting this one. I love the more modern look to it without going over board. As you saw above in the blurb, gone is the smoking, and fur of endangered animals. But even without some pieces you still have the true classic story some great new looks to graphics and the fun of the Night Before Christmas.
*Last year in place of an advent calendar I wrapped 24 winter holiday themed books up for the girls and we unwrapped and read one each night! These weren't all new books, I raided their shelves first, found 18 we had and purchased 3 new and 3 at goodwill! it was a great alternative to chocolate every day and added some extra mother daughter time to each evening!

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