Title: It's A Big World, Little Pig!
Publisher: SourceBooks
Pub Date: March 1st 2012
Author: Kristy Yamaguichi
Received From: NetGalley
In It's a Big World, Little Pig!, Poppy, the adorable, persistent, dreaming-big pig, has a new adventure in store for her-the World Games ice skating championship in Paris!
Poppy is nervous about meeting so many new people in a new place. But, ever courageous and supported by her family (and best friend Emma, too!), Poppy embarks upon this exciting adventure head on. She meets a snowboarding Panda, a Maltese who skies, and two fellow skaters, a Crane and a Kangaroo.
Poppy begins to realize that although these animals look different, act different, and are from different places, they are all the same at heart. They all smile in the same language!
C's Review- I liked this book a bunch bunch bunch. It is a double thumbs up. The pictures are really good. Poppy traveled around the big world made a lot of friends and became a famous ice skater. I liked how all her friends were nervous too but they smiled to make it better.
Mom's Thoughts- This is a very cute kids book, with great illustrations, a great story line and some hidden education, which I love! The tale of Poppy the pig and her travels to Ice Skate in a competition is filled with good heart warming friends she meets there and how the communicate and find things in common with one another. What a great lesson to children about finding common ground. Integrated throughout each friendship is one word in another language! I love that, we've read many childrens books that teach us one word in many languages, I really like this different approach!

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