Publisher: Random House
Pub Date: May 1st , 2012 (paperback)
Author: Darien Gee
Received From: Net Galley

In the tradition of Kate Jacobs and Lolly Winston comes a deeply felt, utterlycharming novel of three newfound friends and the unexpected gift that willchange their lives.
In the quiet community of Avalon, Illinois, Julia Evarts wonders how to move onwith her life. Though her husband and five-year-old daughter give her anabundance of love, Julia still reels from a tragedy that has left her estrangedfrom the sister who was once her best friend. Meanwhile, across town, widowMadeleine Davis takes great pleasure in serving up delectable treats and cozycomforts at her tea salon-now, if only she had some customers to enjoy them.And famed concert cellist and recent Avalon transplant Hannah de Brisay findsherself at a crossroads when her career and marriage come to abrupt ends. Thethree strangers forge a friendship at Madeleine's Tea Shop, and soon theircamaraderie extends to everyone in Avalon in the guise of a unique andwonderful gift. But even as Julia becomes ever closer to her new friends, sherealizes the profound necessity of confronting the painful past she shares withher sister.
Life and loss, friendship and community, food and family: Friendship Breadtells a spirited, remarkably moving tale about the triumph of hope.
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Friendship bread is a yummy treat, but friendships are even more of a treat. One of my favorite things to read are stories of friendships. The three main characters of Julia, Hannah and Madeline are not what I'd consider to be common friends, but in life I've found sometimes those are the nest ones. Friendships you'd have normally never forged!
Diving into the lives of these three women, the trials and tribulations they have lived and are currently living through brought great feelings of comfort in me. Watching each woman, grow and change and really enjoy life when there was a time they weren't sure how was great! I really loved the feeling that this could happen to me. I could find lasting friends in something I never expected!

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