Title: The Reverands Wife
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Pub Date: May 1 st, 2012
Author: Kimberla Lawson Roby
Received From: Net Galley
It's been months since Reverend Curtis learned that his wife Charlotte had affairs with two different men, and for now, he continues to be cordial and respectful to her. But he's also made it clear that once their son Matthew graduates high school, he will be filing for divorce. Charlotte, on the other hand, continues to do everything possible to make amends in hopes of saving their marriage. Unfortunately, Curtis is ready to move on and is being propositioned by a woman who desperately wants to become the next Mrs. Curtis Black. When the situation heads down a path that is frighteningly shocking, could it be the final blow to this once blessed union?
This story was a little bit of romance, drama, family and church all rolled into one. The introduction of Curtis and Charlotte as characters came right from the start with the idea that things would be hard for them and that they were ending their marriage. Ending it of course on his request not hers. As the story continued we watched Charlotte make one bad mistake after another and have her life spiraling down. Curtis had some mistakes too and while what he did wasn't as severe as Charlotte he ended up the one with a mistake that went further. The character of Sharron was one I could tell from the beginning was going to be a huge problem.
I liked this story but I found it a a bit unconvincing how the characters came together. I just felt it wasn't as real as it could have been.

Great review. This seems like an interesting book.