Title: Mooshka, A Quilt Story
Publisher: Peachtree Publishers
Pub Date: 3/1/2012
Author: Julie Paschkis
Received From: Netgalley

Karla loves her special quilt, Mooshka. But Mooshka is more than just a quilt-it speaks, comforting Karla at bedtime with whispered stories. Karla's grandmother lovingly pieced Mooshka together using scraps of fabric from members of Karla's family. Each square, or "schnitz," shares aspecial memory of Karla's ancestors and their lives.
When new baby sister Hannah arrives, Karla's routine is upset and Mooshka falls silent. Only when Karla shares Mooshka with her sister does the quilt begin to speak again and tell Hannah the treasured stories ofher family.
(Reviewed by C)
I liked it because it was about a blankie and her grandma sewed it together from all different times and it was really good. Blankies are great cause they keep you warm and help the bad dreams stay away. If I had a blanket that could talk to me I would listen to a story if I had a bad dream. If that was my sister I wouldn't have given her my blanket cause mommy would have gotten her.
(Mom's Comments)
This was a very cute and fun book. I loved the story of a quilt that tells you stories of each fabric in it! This book would go great with any crafting or story telling project! I think this weekend, we'll play with some old baby clothes in the same way and I'll share with C stories of things we did when she wore certain outfits (You know the non-crafty ladies way to do this)

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